Monday, 25 March 2013


Crazy hair day!

We recently took part in Red Nose Day where students and teachers wore crazy hair styles. Here are a few pictures. We hope everyone enjoyed dressing up! What did you do for Red Nose Day?

Friday, 15 March 2013

Recently Year 6 went on residential to Little Canada where they enjoyed many different challenging tasks. Here are a few pictures of what we got up to :)

Team work on the problem solving task

waiting patiently to go on the quad bikes


Bradley reaches the top of the Catwalk

posers :)


The group before at the ferry terminal

All set to master those fears 

A cup of tea after a hard days work of conquering fears

What a great week we had....don't you agree Year 6?!

Friday, 1 March 2013

This half terms SEAL topic was 'Good to be me'. As a school we set ourselves a 'Time Out Challenge'. We discussed the importance of having a time out area for each class. The children were given buddies to help support them when feeling: sad, angry, upset or scared. We feel the children have done a great job in making their area as meaningful to their class as possible. Do you agree?