Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Watch your speed !

"20's Plenty!"
So say these members of our school council. The children spent Friday afternoon with officers from Hampshire Constabulary carrying out a SpeedWatch event.

The children measured the speed of motorists travelling along Honeysuckle Rd. Any motorists travelling more faster than the speed limit had their details recorded and will be getting a letter from the police!

The children also talked to motorist who were parked on the yellow zigzag lines outside the school and told them how dangerous this is!

Lets hope you don't receive one of their letters!

Eco -Warriors say 'Thank you'

Here are two of our Eco Warriors saying a great big 'Thank you' to the Swaythling Neighbourhood Centre committee at their recent AGM.

The Swaythling Neighbourhood Centre have raised a lot of money for our school and have provided us with some land for our allotment.

Look out for opportunities to buy some of our organic produce in the future!

Tag rugby tournament

Wow! Look at this fine example of a rugby team! Bassett Green were one of two schools to respresent the city at the regional Tag Rugby tournament in Aldershot.

The children did really well and won two of their five matches. Unfortunately this wasn't enough to put them through but the certainly gave the opposition a run for their money!

Well done everyone!


On the 25th May 2011, Ms Bandey gave birth to baby Elsie! Both mum and baby are doing really well at home. We are all very excited about seeing them both, really soon!